Getting in an auto accident is a very uncomfortable, frightening, and often confusing process. Pro Collision Auto Body Center has over ten years of experience working with insurance companies. Immediately following an accident, it is important to take the right actions to minimize potential losses and reduce the amount of time you are without your vehicle.
The natural tendency is to contact your insurance company, however this is the worst thing you could do. Insurance companies often lose money on auto accidents, therefore they are likely to take precautions and make recommendations to minimize their losses. They often refer you to their auto body shops, which have given insurance companies deep discounts in return for a steady stream of business.
This often results in:
- Poor quality of work
- Devalues your vehicle
- Costs you thousands in future repairs
Nevada State law (Nevada Revised Statute 690B.016) states you have the right to choose your own shop and your insurance company is required to advise you of that right.
It’s important to know that auto body shops have your best interests in mind. Unfortunately, some body shops tend to favour insurance companies and will routinely downplay claims, use cheap parts and ignore important auto body repair practices such as frame alignment and more.
Some Insurance Companies Our Body Shop Works With
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1. Determine whether your vehicle is drivable
Making the right choice, in the beginning, can save you hundreds on auto repairs and tow services. Pro Collision Center Las Vegas, provide a free tow service when you use our repair services. This saves you additional towing fees by delivering the vehicle directly to the auto body shop, ensuring your vehicle is repaired right away.

2. Contact Insurance Company and file Claim
Once the insurance company has received the estimate from your preferred auto body shop, it is reviewed and a determination is made as to whether or not your vehicle is worth repairing. It is possible that some negotiation will occur regarding the exact procedures to be completed along with the prices that the insurance company is open to accepting.

3. Disassembly Begins
In order to assess the nature of any hidden damage, your vehicle is disassembled and inspected. If additional repairs are necessary, your insurance company is contacted again for review and approval.

4. Ordering of Parts
Our staff determines which parts are needed to complete the repairs, checking for availability, and ordering those that are not currently stocked. Since the repair process cannot begin until necessary parts have been obtained, they are ordered quickly.

5. Structural Repair
Our technicians work diligently to restore your vehicle’s structural integrity back to factory specifications. In order to ensure an accurate repair for the frame of your vehicle, our technicians utilize a computer-operated measurement system in conjunction with specialized equipment that delivers precise factory-standard re-construction of your vehicle.

6. Auto Body Repair
Your vehicle begins to look like itself during this next stage of body repair. Our specialists complete all metal finishing, replacing exterior panels as needed. All sheet metal is properly aligned and installed so that your vehicle is returned to its pre-collision appearance.

7. Paint Preparation
The paint-preparation phase involves several stages. First, each panel is properly prepared for paint application. Then, the panels are primed and sealed so that they offer strong adhesion for the top paint color as well as for the clear coat that is applied. Our VIP paint treatment is the best you’ll find anywhere.

8. Reassembly
During this phase, your vehicle is put back together so that it is nearly ready for you. All components and moldings are restored to their initial location in preparation of the final stage.

9. Detailing and Delivery
After fully cleaning your vehicle from dust and debris accumulated during the repair process, our technicians complete a thorough inspection to ensure that everything is in order. This is the final phase, during which our staff makes sure that your vehicle looks good as new and road worthy.
For more help or assistance throughout the auto body repair process contact Pro Collision Center at (702) 628-9900